Hi Markus.
Antropogenic 36 km photons detected at r=7km this afternoon.
8277 kHz carrier on since 1000 utc this morning without fireworks in
the helix hut. Carrier on until further notice.
Best 73's
On Mon, 17 Apr 2017, Markus Vester wrote:
Hi Joe,
Then the coil arced.
Welcome to the club! I'd count that as a success: A real VLF amateur should
always be running close to the voltage limit of the antenna and coil! You
probably had around ~ 7 kV at 0.2 A?
-60 dB readings at 1 km
What was the SNR and FFT bandwidth at that point? Scaling by r^-3 from 1 km to
5.8 km, the signal would be expected to drop by 45 dB at the far field boundary.
How long did the transmission last? Maybe it would make sense for Paul to
inspect Mike's data from Forest/Virginia.
Any special reason why you use 8277 rather than 8270 Hz?
Best 73,
-----Ursprüngliche Mitteilung-----
Von: jcraig <[email protected]>
An: rsgb_lf_group <[email protected]>
Verschickt: So, 16. Apr 2017 23:58
Betreff: Re: LF: 2017-04-16 03:15:13 VO1NA AA PA0RDT JO11TM 0 477
Hi Roelof, G.. and Group,
The delayed curtain up on the opera was due to VLF tinkering.
There was much excitement when a pc with a properly working
sound card was deployed. Today I resurrected the low 100m aerial
(Happy Easter to all) and fed 30 watts 200ma on 8277 and
got some lovely -60 dB readings at 1 km. Then the coil arced.
A far field detection was almost a certainty up to this point!
OP8 on 479.477 kHz will resume at 2200 tonight. Good luck
to all and keep up the good work with the RTL Roelof and
thanks for the reports Graham.