Hi Roelof,
It is clear from your spectrogram when the TX was switched on!
Its on now so we can see when the band opens to EU.
ERP here is about 1.8 watts.
73 & Thank-you again.
On Tue, 15 Mar 2016, Roelof Bakker wrote:
Hello Joe,
Propagation was smashing and there was no need for narrow filters or
coherent detection. Excellent aural copy in a 500 Hz or 2400 Hz
The overnight plot shows also nice the fading pattern.
What power did you use?
Best regards,
From: Roelof Bakker, PAoRDT
Location: Middelburg, Zealand SW Netherlands, 51 30 02 N, 03 36 02 E
Locator: JO11tm
Receiver hardware: Afdri SDR
Receiver software: Linrad
Aerial: pa0rdt-mini-whip, 5 metre up in a hawthorn tree.