Yes, it was good to hear you on and off in the QSB. Your
call and my RST were in the clear. Thanks!
On Tue, 25 Mar 2014, C. Groeger wrote:
Hi Joe,
I could hear your sigs for a short period! Tnx for 339!
You really made my day;-)
Hope cuagn sn!
73, df5qg
Christian Groeger
[email protected] schrieb:
Hi Christian,
At 0000, 0030, 0100 etc. I will call CQ on 477.7 and listen on 472.5
If conditions are poor at the time, they could improve in 30 mins.
(or get worse!). A CW beacon will be in operation between these
times and reports gratefully received.
It will be good to hear you again, Finbar, Lubos and anyone else
are most welcomed to join in tonight.
73 and Good Luck
On Mon, 24 Mar 2014, C. Groeger wrote:
what do you mean exactly by "on the half hours"?
472.5 is ok for me, maybe Finbar will join there;-)
73, df5qg
Christian Groeger
[email protected] schrieb:
Hi Christian,
Yes, let's try for a real CW QSO tonight. Will call 0000 utc and
on the half hours until 0200. Will listen 472.5 kHz if that's OK
with you.
We are having a blizzard so experimentation with the antenna
is out for today. The TX might be convinced to give another 3 dB.
Let's hope that a fried FET is not in the future!
On Mon, 24 Mar 2014, C. Groeger wrote:
Hi Joe,
Can you QRO a bit for a real CW QSO?
You told me last time, you heard me and I heard you as well...
73, df5qg
Christian Groeger
[email protected] schrieb:
Many thanks for the reply to my calls. Your signals were also audible at
times. BIA could be heard before our QSO and WD2SXH/7 was about 559 near
476 kHz towards the end. Thank-you for staying up so late to make it all
happen! TX here 50 watts, ERP about 1 watt.
On Mon, 24 Mar 2014, wolf_dl4yhf wrote:
Hello Joe,
Many thanks also... just now, at the 'final dit', your signal is audible
SNR in QRSS10 bandwidth (approx. 0.1 Hz) : over 30 dB !
73 and gn,
100 W, inv. L with 60 meter total wire length, horizontal part approx 11
meters above ground.
Am 22.03.2014 13:19, schrieb [email protected]:
Hello Wolf,
Many thanks for the details of your reception. Sending audible sigs to DL
was very gratifing. There is some room to improve the ERP
and I look forward to experimenting with this.
73 and thanks again
On Sat, 22 Mar 2014, wolf_dl4yhf wrote:
Greetings all,
Nice signal from Joe throughout the night, strongest around 04:00 UTC
here, but 'ever-present' between start and sunrise.
Multi-strip spectrogram covering the strongest part (which was audible
during the peaks at 03:45 UTC):
The signal began to drop at 05:00 UTC, which is in the upper right corner
of the screenshot.
Thanks for the test Joe. Hope to meet you in a QSO mode one day, for me
JT9-1 appears manageable...
RX: old IC-706 on 60 meter wire antenna resonated at 475 kHz,
preselector/preamp *off* .