Laurie, LF.
I use
a tuned loop for Rx on 136 kHz, and it is also affected by the TX "Tee" antenna.
I use a relay to open circuit the earth return at the bottom of the TX
antenna ATU when the loop is in use. The problem isn't due
to the presence of the TX antenna wire itself, but the problems occur when
the wire is resonated by the TX ATU. The TX ATU earth has a 1 meg
bleed resistor left in circuit to leak away any static build
PA2 beacon very
strong here also, on the south coast.
Interesting antenna effect:- I
run a pair of large grounded loops situated close to the main TX antenna (inv
L ) These have worked very well on 136 and are quite directional, providing
useful improvement in SNR. On 500kHz however they are not directional, at
least not in the right directions. I have spent several hours trying to
find out what has gone wrong with them ! By chance this morning I left the
TX ant. grounded and was surprised to find that the loops are now
directional. So it looks like there is much more coupling between the TX
and RX ants on 500 than 136. Could this simply be capacitive ? perhaps I
need smaller loops? Anyway if you are running a RX loop close to your TX
antenna, beware. 73 Laurie.