Wd2XDW will be on "remote control" from tonite until around 0500Z 8th Dec -
(remote control via gotomypc software) QRSS60 keying "XDW" now starts in
multiples of 10 minutes -this will allow a slightly larger window for
receiving between characters here. (thanks Rik)
www.kl1x.com has a number of new argo windows open -
CFH's FSK +-40Hz or so on 137,000 Khz (dot 3 - ) ----- Rx for Europeans on
135.922 (dot 60), 137.77-137.81 for MP/XFX/NA (dot 30), and appx
137,7725-137,7755 (dot 60) which includes wd2xdw's tx freq and the UNID on
137,7748 which peaks when Eu condx seems favorbale.
My receiver passband wont encompass all of this and DCF39 - so DCF has been
dropped for CFH for the time being.
Conditions -
At 0145Z 1st December CFH is just audible on FSK (fade patterns about 15
mins pk to trough today) and DCF39 from Burg is S9 and loud.
The main receiver is now set at 135.500Khz so all Argos are plus Hz of that
Off to Oklahoma for a looksee...!
Vy Laurence KL1X
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