Hi All at LF,
Just been browsing LF web sites & on looking at the Longwave Club of America
home page there is a reference to an article as shown below.
The LOWDOWN This Month. In the Dec. 2002 issue:
"Gate Dip Oscillator for the LowFER and MedFER" Article by George N.
Has anyone got details of this LF GDO or something similar for use at 136
Khz as it seems to me that an exsisting HF GDO would require extensive
modifications to allow it to operate at this low frequency. I have an
Eddystone S902 GDO which goes down to 390 Khz but the coil arrangement seems
complex in respect of extending the range to 136 Khz.
Any ideas are welcome.
May I also add my congratulations to those already posted for the JASON T/A
reception of Jim's transmission by John.
I tried monitoring but did not receive anything intelligable, may be I
require more tries to get it right ?? as I am not sure of the best method of
setting up the receiver frequency etc for use with JASON. Any advice gents ?
Gary G4WGT
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