Hi all at LF,
A couple of weekends ago I visited the G-QRP Club Annual Mini Convention at
Rochdale. On one of the junk stands I was rooting on I came accross a Maplin
kit (or part of) for a Rugby Rx PCB No 1 & No 2, it cost me the princely sum
of 20 pence. It consists of one board with a ferrite rod antenna, IC
(TL018CN), trimmer etc with 4 solder pinouts & one with 2 IC's (LM567CN &
TC4093BP), an LED, 9v regulator & preset control etc with 15 solder pinouts
(several being GND. Does anyone know anything about this kit ? as I can't
find any info for it at tghe Maplin web site or on the internet.
Gary - G4WGT
Web: http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/wgtaylor
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