Talking of digging holes , in this case , digging in the noise , the
OP32 mode should provide the best s/n with decode possible with over
50/55% of the data
Its possible to run this on 500 , just select 136 and set the dial
frequency as 500 , the web -spots will be showing 136 of course , if
your not cat linked , but the comparison would be most valid at the
lower end of the mode s/n ability .. or on 136 where there is quite
a lot of activity using OP8 , which is giving quite reliable dx
decodes . OP4 seems to be the mode of choice for 500 , options of
2/8 may be better suited as the majority of decodes (Ed apart !) are
well inside the OP2 limits , with OP8 perhaps better suited to dx ...
one for the 'to try list' , though development did take place with
2/8 on 500.
Better would be a high power test on 136 to see the difference of
the systems at range, but to date this has yet to happen...
Mal is right , its possible to have the signal showing on the screen
, but no decode , if over 50/55% of the data is lost then, no decode
is possible, that is the balance on the Tx time , too short and
loose s/n . too long and qsb might remove too much data ..
Keeping a eye on the longer term aim of a 'data mode' the beacon is
providing useful test data and reliable web linked s/n measurements,
as well as the seemingly unlimited opportunity to rake over the coals of
established 'technical facts' ,
Thanks to Mal for running the tests , as perhaps, not too
unexpectedly , follows the usual pie fight , which has produced some
useful analysis, as usual there's madness in the method on all sides ..
Tie braking question :)
'you cannot use on/off keying for a data mode' because ........
73 -G..
From: "mal hamilton" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 10:04 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: LF: Re: Opera v qrs evaluation
I would say your qrs on 500 was heard/seen but no one could be bothered to
report it.
I personally do not report QRS beacon acty on any band.
The majority of 500 Beacons are normal CW and I can hear the USA and
frequently and strong enough for a QSO
I thought a PIC was an implement to dig a hole with !!
----- Original Message -----
From: "qrss" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: LF: Re: Opera v qrs evaluation
Fact. Everyone including G3KEV has missed my QRS3 and QRS10 on 500kHz
every time I have had it on, using this same TX, in fact I removed the
PIC which sends the QRS and inserted OPERA, viola PA0's at 493km decode
Please be technical not emotional about the subject it doesn't help.
73 Eddie
On 01/02/2012 09:10, mal hamilton wrote:
> QRSS does NOT get lost or missed in the noise as you suggest and one
> always see at least part of the information trace, whereas Opera is all
> nothing and I have noticed at times a TRACE but NO DECODE.
> I wonder what your next distortion of the facts will be
> g3kev
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "qrss"<>
> To:<>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 11:37 PM
> Subject: Re: LF: Re: Opera v qrs evaluation
>> Dear Jim, Rik, Laurence
>> Thanks for the information, it does seem from all tests that QRS3 and
>> OP4 are about equivalent.
>> QRS as we know takes a human to notice its there among noise and can
>> missed. With OPERA (and WSPR) if there is an RX on in range it's
>> 73 Eddie G3ZJO
>> On 31/01/2012 22:51, James Moritz wrote:
>>> Dear Eddie, LF Group,
>>> I did a rough and ready comparative test on the "sensitivity" of
>>> QRSS3
>>> and Op4 using your back-to-back transmissions. For 500kHz reception,
>>> broadband noise from the broadcast stations just east of here is
>>> being
>>> nulled out using a loop oriented N-S. Rotating the loop out of the
>>> null position gives a convenient way of adjusting the SNR on Eddie's
>>> signal. So I increased the noise level until I judged Eddie's QRSS
>>> was
>>> just fully readable (using 0.3Hz FFT resolution), then left
>>> everything
>>> in the same position for 4 transmissions, during which signal and
>>> noise levels stayed nearly constant (see the attachment). Opera
>>> reported an SNR of -31dB on Eddie's Op4 signal for all the
> transmissions.
>>> So, from what Graham said, Op4 may have a small margin in SNR with
>>> these conditions. You could argue about what constitutes "readable"
>>> QRSS, but there can't be more than a few dB difference between this
>>> signal and something indecipherable without prior knowledge. It takes
>>> 4 minutes to send a callsign using Op4; you could increase the dot
>>> length perhaps to 4s and transmit most callsigns in 4 minutes, which
>>> would gain you about 1.2dB. But for practical purposes I think, in
>>> this test anyway, the two modes are approximately equivalent in their
>>> efficiency in sending callsigns.
>>> Cheers, Jim Moritz
>>> 73 de M0BMU