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RE: LF: MF WSPR, crazy

To: <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: LF: MF WSPR, crazy
From: "James Cowburn" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2013 10:11:36 +0100
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Hi Rik,


That would explain quite a bit then, esp as my vertical is very short at about 8m long.  Top wire is about 35m long, so well in the “sub-optimal” band!


I’m going to do some work today on my earthing as I think some of the connections there are well overdue for a remake and clean as well as the tap points on the coil.   I’ll note the figures from my antenna analyser and post them on here for info.


I’m a bit constrained in terms of garden/supports etc so am reliant on roofs, trees etc all of which are not the best of supports, but XYLs and neighbours restrict!


Thanks for the calculation, that’s given me some useful food for thought






From: owner-[email protected] [mailto:owner-[email protected]] On Behalf Of Rik Strobbe
Sent: 06 October 2013 09:57
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: LF: MF WSPR, crazy


Hello Jim,


over the past weeks I completed my new rig, that can be used to transmit on 501 and 472 kHz (we still have the 501-504 kHz segment available in Belgium).

In theory the radiation resistance of a short vertical antenna increases with the square of the frequency, so going from 501 kHz to 472 kHz will make Rrad drop by 11% (= 0.5dB).

Further I noticed that the loss resistance increased from 71 Ohm (on 501 kHz) to 76 Ohm (on 472 kHz) = +7% (=-0.3dB).

So overall the efficiency will drop by about 0.8 dB (or I will need 20% more power to get the same ERP).


73, Rik  ON7YD - OR7T


PS: QRM level (energy saving lamps, switched PSU's etc...)  is most of the time lower on 472 kHz compared to 501 kHz

Van: owner-[email protected] [owner-[email protected]] namens James Cowburn [[email protected]]
Verzonden: zondag 6 oktober 2013 9:12
Aan: [email protected]
Onderwerp: RE: LF: MF WSPR, crazy

Hi All, while I’m not renowned for having the most efficient or qro MF station, I have noticed that 472 is not as good for range, for me at least,  as 500 was.  I used to be able to be spotted by Finbar, John PG, Lubos etc but these days, XIZ represents real dx!!


Even after rejigging antenna etc its still not brilliant. 


Cheers all




From: owner-[email protected] [mailto:owner-[email protected]] On Behalf Of Graham
Sent: 06 October 2013 01:13
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: MF WSPR, crazy




This  was  -21


090325 0050   9 -21  1.5   0.503938  G0NBD IO83 13



Hello Graham,


You still had 10 DBs to spare for a decode!!! Try 2 milliwatts...


Looks like 155,700 miles per watt...


Good on ya... PSE QSL VIA E-MAIL... ( hi hi )



Dave @ WD2XSH/17



From: Graham

Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2013 1:08 AM

Subject: Re: LF: MF WSPR, crazy


Im sure the  band  was  in better  shape  in those  days  ?




 2009-03-25 00:56 












 2009-03-25 00:56 














Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 11:53 PM

Subject: LF: MF WSPR, crazy


Actually no need to inform about it, because everyone seems to be QRV now :-)
Anyway, the hell is going on on MF WSPR!

Got decodes by 71 stations in the last 2 weeks and 47 in the last 24 hours. Need to post that here, i'm impressed.

Tnx to all.

73, GL, Stefan/DK7FC

71 spots:












 2013-10-03 00:00 











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 2013-10-01 13:54 











 2013-10-03 22:24 











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 2013-10-02 03:18 












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