Hi Markus,
14:00 UTC:
>WOLF -r 8000 -f 1741 -t 1.0 -w 0.0000
t: 24 f:-0.621 a: 1.4 dp: 65.2 ci: 8 cj:136 Y ETFF3AZ*YEBC ?
>WOLF -r 8000 -f 1641 -t 1.0 -w 0.0000
t: 24 f:-0.066 a:-0.4 dp:100.0 ci: 3 cj: 10 DF6NM 20MW EMRP -
t: 48 f:-0.068 a:-0.2 dp: 98.8 ci: 3 cj: 10 DF6NM 20MW EMRP -
t: 96 f:-0.070 a: 0.0 dp: 96.8 ci: 3 cj: 10 DF6NM 20MW EMRP -
t: 192 f:-0.068 pm: 733 jm:939 q: 10.8 11.4 DF6NM 20MW EMRP -
t: 288 f:-0.068 pm: 768 jm:939 q: 11.9 12.3 DF6NM 20MW EMRP -
t: 384 f:-0.068 pm: 1325 jm:940 q: 12.6 13.2 DF6NM 20MW EMRP -
t: 480 f:-0.068 pm: 2063 jm:940 q: 13.1 13.5 DF6NM 20MW EMRP -
Hope to catch you later ...
--- original Nachricht Ende ----
Dear John,
your "howling" was received and decoded successfully last night for a short period around 03:58 UT:
t:1440 f: 0.010 pm: 4 jm: 51 q: -3.0 -5.6 WD2XES WOLFING -
For those interested, the complete frame is appended as zip. Having
tried several times before using decimated audio and console WOLF, this
is my first successful detection of your TA WOLF signal. I'm beginning
to see the light ;-)
For comparison, WD2XGJ was visible with ups and downs since midnight
UT, and peaked shortly to "O" around 03:45, just before fadeout at
04:00. VO1NA left only faint traces between 01:00 and 01:30. CFH was
only moderately strong with pronounced QSB, and faded at 05:40.
"Luxemburg" ICM on DCF39 seemed unusally intense last night.
Many thanks for transmitting, and of course to Stewart and Wolf for the software.
73 and all the best
DF6NM in Nuernberg (JN59NK)