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LF: Activity week ending 21 Mar 99

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Activity week ending 21 Mar 99
From: "Mike Dennison" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 11:11:38 -0000
Organization: Radio Society of Great Britain
Priority: normal
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Tuesday 16 March Heard MM0ALM (439) for thje first time. No reply to my numerous calls.

Also G8RW (439) and G4GVC (589) Wednesday 17 March Heard another new one: G3RXH (439). Also heard MM0ALM again (549) and again no reply to my calls. Saturday 20 March
Heard G4GVC (599), GW4ALG (579), G3YXM (599).

Also EI0CF who was a lot weaker than usual (429) as he has reduced the size of his antenna, but seemed to be hearing better than recently. No reply to my call, though, even after G4GVC assisted.

Saw DF3LP ('0') on the Spectrogram screen. Sunday 21 March Heard G4GVC (599), PA0LQ (539), LX1PD (589) and GW3XYW (569).

Spent most of my radio time getting my VFO working on 73kHz again in time for my Easter trip to GW. Was phoned by John, G4GVC, to tell me that Finbar, EI0CF, was to be on from his noise-free location between 2130 and 2230. At 1800 my next door neighbour switched on his computer game which produces S9+20 signals between 125 and 138kHz. At 2130 I listened for Finbar but the noise from next door was still bad. I could =just= copy him, though he was S8, by listening and simultaneously watching the Spectrogram screen! I finally got a 319 report from Finbar on my call but he failed to hear his report.
Just as Finbar was closing down the local QRM went off!

Thanks to both John and Finbar for their efforts.


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