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Re: LF: LF Activity - G3XIZ

To: rsgb_lf_group <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: LF: LF Activity - G3XIZ
From: Warren Ziegler <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 20:55:30 -0500
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Hi Bob,

>I wonder if you or anyone has worked T/A with CW by ear on 137?

   I don't think anyone has ever made a cw contact by ear across the Atlantic,  but I've gotten sporadic reports over the years that my signal is occasionally audible on a signal peak, but the peaks are not really predictable. Also, I don't have a quiet enough QTH to hear 137 kHz signals over that distance.  Best bet would be if Joe VO1NA ran some power - he has an easier and shorter path to Europe.

73 Warren 

On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 8:21 PM, Bob Raide <[email protected]> wrote:
Stefan and Wolf;
I think 600/630 meters will always be most popular.  You can operate with WSPR 2 with 100 watts into a 50' vertical and make it into Europe quite consistently.  Doesn't work that way for 137 and is even more difficult on 73.  When fellas start winding inductors they don't realize how much is needed to move resonance from 137 to 73.  Antenna only has so much capacity to ground and you have to make up getting to resonance with "L" [allot of "L"]!
Many have fallen by the wayside when trying to get to 8600 kHz!  The poor soles wind a couple coils maybe a meter long by 6 or 7 inch diameter and think that will put them right on 8000 kHz easily!!!  Moves them maybe several kHz lower but they see they still have 100 or more kHz to go!
500 is just easier and isn't much different than 160.
I wonder if you or anyone has worked T/A with CW by ear on 137?  Many of us have on 500 band-Bob

Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 01:05:42 +0100

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: LF Activity - G3XIZ

Hi Wolf,

Ah, now i see, it was my misunderstanding, sorry.

73, Stefan/DK7FC

Am 15.02.2014 21:43, schrieb wolf_dl4yhf:
Am 15.02.2014 21:34, schrieb wolf_dl4yhf:
Am 15.02.2014 21:18, schrieb schaefer:
Hi Bob, Wolf, LF,

Am 15.02.2014 20:46, schrieb wolf_dl4yhf:
Hello Bob and all,

It's much easier to put a good sigs out on 472 than 137 or 73.  Countless new modes to use and band conditions much more predictable on 600 meters.

I agree as far as PEP-versus-ERP is concerned.

Hah! Was that a joke?

That wasn't a joke.
That was a comparison of the efficiency of a LF antenna with an MF antenna.

Please explain why you think this is a joke.

Are you seriously saying that generating the same ERP on MF (now listen..) is EASIER THAN ON LF ?

  Wolf .

easier on MF than on LF of course !

73 Warren K2ORS

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