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Re: CW & SSB T/A !(was Re: LF: TA CW QSO on MF band is not a scoop

To: rsgb_lf_group <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: CW & SSB T/A !(was Re: LF: TA CW QSO on MF band is not a scoop
From: Warren Ziegler <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 08:44:05 -0400
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   Sorry ,  I realized later that you and Finbar made the the first T/A CW QSO.
I believe that Bob is still the only station heard across the Atlantic on ssb.

73 Warren

On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 8:33 AM, <[email protected]> wrote:
WE2XGR/2 and Finbar made the first, and several subsequent  W <> EU CW QSOs on MF. Transmitting
conditions at WE2XGR/2: 400 watts transmitter power to 90' top loaded vertical. The QSO were
relatively short but included a small amount of information besides 559 73 sk.


----- Original Message ----- From: Albert
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 6:51 AM
Subject: Re: CW & SSB T/A !(was Re: LF: TA CW QSO on MF band is not a scoop


If you take a better look at Bob's QSL card (click to enlarge) you see 2000W tx power. I used abt
400W to get the 5 W erp radiated by the antenna. If you listen to the signal of Bob you will realize
that only RRRRR etc was not necessary.
You are right abt using QRP on these bands,  a QRO tx is very useful to get out of the garden. If
you consider the erp. we are actually working QRP on these low bands.

73, Albert

DK7FC schreef op 7-5-2014 12:19:


Aaaaaah so that was QRO, not QRP, right? Or what was the TX power, rather 5W or rather 500W?
And what about Bob, 5W or 500W?
Just to make things clear regarding "QRO is not necessary".
Was it a longer QSO with some content or just "RRRRR 73 73 73
didididadidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" :-)

73, Stefan

Am 06.05.2014 22:28, schrieb Albert:
All fyi,

I had a CW QSO on 502 kHz with Bob WE2XGR/6 on Feb 9 2010,  04:00 UTC at that time the DX record on
CW. On my website (in plane Dutch) a copy of the QSL card and an audio file of the first part of the
QSO including a restart of my keyer. My output during the QSO was abt, 5 W erp.

(see: EERSTE QSO NEDERLAND etc.)  for the audio file click left on QSO WE2XGR-6 v3

73, Albert PA0A

Warren Ziegler schreef op 6-5-2014 16:57:


  Some years ago Bob W2ZM using the experimental call WE2XGR/6 worked Finbar EI0CF on CW and also
ssb (Bob ran ssb, Finbar ran CW).
   Somewhere I have a .wav file from Finbar with his reception of Bob's ssb signal.
I know that there have been other T/A contacts but I don't recall all the details.

73 Warren K2ORS

73 Warren K2ORS

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