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Re: LF: Important question on LF QSOs

Subject: Re: LF: Important question on LF QSOs
From: Alex R7NT <>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2018 17:50:19 +0300
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:from:date:message-id:subject:to; bh=31spvhm0zVicu3Hge8Zd4vRumPbA4We2DWKo602MM3E=; b=Zjbeema0BsBtmfX8t0klG3aJPQlqX+Cnki2gTqfYCS+yw0jJ31u1ghBOE4t278f1VS f6nOAwE0WKtnByp0dFaSTlfD+BoBaWgJVv3R6AIR0VTQaaQSY3DYxnELgpm1GpZgN6/V 7EecaEPCwQiyvNj/sa+RI54PN/WZNNjWcnAzF4Xf5c6mEIUD5zI2y9oaJKfNLSUQ5WDY t5QjKYNb9KzvYKaIyxIBwAddjbe91k4U6jTmEAAN9OBFI2gckKyFQllWQusnalg13KWQ 6bDOJizJRhQ9rWS8oMfHCR4J8d1i4i+3eyZp59GiYJ4FAf2HwVWtCkQXEXFmwUc2eEI2 RVYg==
In-reply-to: <>
References: <>
first TA full 2way QSOs on 136 in 2001:
from Feb 5 to Feb 19   VA3LK and G3AQC
Feb 13   VE1ZJ(RX) + VE1ZZ(TX) and G3LDO

2001-Mar-15 DARC, RSBG and AMRAD - the sponsors of the Trans-Atlantic Challenge have decided to present awards to Larry VA3LK, Laurie G3AQC, Jack VE1ZZ, John VE1ZJ and Peter G3LDO for their contacts

73! Alex R7NT

2018-03-23 15:38 GMT+03:00 N1BUG <>:
LF / 2200 meter community,

I am a little afraid to ask this question. I don't want to start a
"war" here. But...

What is the feeling in the LF community about a QSO (DFCW or QRSS)
which takes more than a single night to complete? Is this OK or will
it be seen as cheating?

I am a very conservative operator but I cannot think of any reason
why a QSO spanning a few nights would not be perfectly OK. To me it
seems that's just taking advantage of available propagation and
(very slow) modes which can get information across.

I do think that if the operators stop for some nights, the QSO
should reset to the beginning because that is a new attempt.

I'm trying to find out what the community feels about this. I want
to be a respectable member of this community, not an invading
outlaw. ;-) If a QSO taking a few nights is considered evil, I won't
do it. Now is your chance to educate me.

Paul N1BUG

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