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LF: types of conductors

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: types of conductors
From: "Soegiono, Gamal" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 08:07:10 +0100
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Hello Mike, Geri and all,

be careful when using terms in different laguages.

Mike> Litz wire usually has each strand insulated from the Mike> others, is your wire the same, Geri?<

Geri> ... no, unfortunately not ... seems to be just the name Geri> "Litze" that was adopted from the "Litz" wire ... but as Geri> I said .. still does the job at LF!

english;german;type and makeup of conductor

solid wire;Draht;single conductor either uninsulated or covered
by an insulating sleeve.

stranded wire;Litze;a number of individual solid wires are woven in spiral orientation, individual wires are in electrical contact to each
other, an insulating sleeve covers the whole strand.

litz-wire;HF-Litze;a number of individual solid wires, each having its own
insulation are inter-woven in a manner very
much different from the scheeme of stranded wire. An additional
sleeve covers the wires collectively.

Geri made up his Loading coil of stranded wire - i.e. the
indivdual wires are in electrical contact with each other, one insulating
sleeve covers the whole strand.

Hope this helps.

72 de Gamal

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