Hi Bob the Lessay and Sylt chains have not stopped
operating as far as I remember they were certainly active when the UK had 74kHz.
I believe these chanis have been running the eLoran protocol for some time
now. There was a slight pause when Rugby which was running an experiental
station (using the Loop Head gear and GRI) closed and the gear moved up to
Anthorn as a permenent location. The real problem then was noise from
an idling Rugby TX. I was certainly using a slightly cruder form of waterfall
and we operated between the Loran lines. So it wont be too much of a change for
reception at this end.
Alan G3NYK
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 3:41
Subject: RE: LF: CFH, Loran
Markus; CHF is on the air at this moment-usual S9 signal and
data stream as usual. I am wondering if more Loran is going to be coming
back on and then there is the new eloran in the UK to come on next year.
Could be doom for the 73 band as we have it now? Bob