Laurence, you'd NEVER be regarded as qrm,
always the much desired signal ;-)
136175 seems completely free here. I've started up
on 137172.5 again with occasional qrss-60 "NM"s.
Best of luck,
Markus (DF6NM)
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2013 12:02
Subject: RE: LF: 136174
As Im a little left of center
Geographically Ive plonked myself on 136.175 dfcw around 0.2Hz delta Dash high -
Ill shove the "staircase" mode on after we come back from out Thanks
giving meal - if Im causing QRm let me know.
Laurence KL7L WE2XPQ
Nice orange traces just above
DF2JP, up to 20 uV/m here. Comeback of Ossi OE5ODL?
Best 73, Markus