We are still looking for the first good opening on 137/475 from here in Alaska - Ill be running parallel tx WSPR15 on 137/475 at h+15, 30 and 45 with a silence rx period between h+00 and 15 over night, also monitoring WSPR 2 on the same bands - best time to Eu is around 03-05Z at the moment - but its wobbles a bit Some really good openings recently and a super one from Arizona to JA on WSPR 2 on 137KHz yesterday from part 5 XND, and another from me to JA late on WSPR15. Had a decode from signals from JA1NQI this early morning on 137 OP32 at 1319 which looks good according to the JA's even to it has a ?? attached - we will see. VY 73 and send us some signals!! Laurence KL7L WE2XPQ