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To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: CPU and QRSS
From: Laurence KL7UK <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2012 04:03:16 -0900
Importance: Normal
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Ive been playing with Opera and mixing it up with QRSS up in Alaska on my poor old Dell. It appears the CPU is overloaded  and the result is some very strange things happening - Im still not sure exactly as I have to collect audio for Argo at just 172Hz using 136KHz USA for running parallel Opera but the attached is what it produced on the pre dawn Eu short period "tilt/lift/short term attenuation reduction" that has occured a couple of times this week, and Ive not seen before - the Eu dusk lift of around 5dB lasts for appx 45mins.

 I can decode DK7FC but there appears to be another signal - or perhaps its an artifact. I dont think it was Steve VE7SL who was down at 171 with a Strong "SL" a  little later in the morning. Time I got that additional processing power. Everything is shifted up in freq as you can see and probably interrupts and allocations going on..certainly not a Geo RF effect (or is it ??)
Laurence KL7UK

Attachment: stress2.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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