Greetings all - Another reasonable night (anything on the screen or out the speaker deserves a Drambuie in my view) - DK7FC was AOS at 0400 till sunrise max peak s/n around 0600z wih fade out at his dawn - I see a West coast interloper this mng :-) VE7BDQ near 136.171 seen in Alaska and Oklahoma snappers. Stefans signal attached fyi. R75 and Probe by a lake. Its been snowing heavily with temps to -25C and probe been given better results over the larger (static) noiser array. In a few mins Ill be switching to the Global 137.777 window to cover AsiaPac overnight. Ive been losing AC power off and on for a week or so so this is playing havok with the remote control at times. One of those things I cant control. Being forewarned Im going to be listening on 136 Opera tonight for Eu if it holds together -
Regards Laurence KL7UK remotely controlled station