Thanks Scott - well looking over the N Pole I could hear the Norwegian but only weakly before I retired last night - its been 20 over at times so I know on that path its pretty dire for the moment - no sign of DCF39 at any speed. May be these launch angles/Geomag lat have something to do with it - Ive seen days when youve been receiving far superior sigs from JA, but as you know the path from you only goes a little way South of me on the Great Circle.
However looking West this morning the Russians Bcst are also very weak but I do have a QRSS signal on 137.7772 appx 16Z- too weak to decode at the moment but definately coming in on the Western firing 9AY - actually could be a Loran Line
The winds here are just awful - blowing a hooley for days and makes outside work rather unpleasant - but the views!!
Laurence KL7 UK Wasilla Palmer Alaska EM26AR
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 01:44:03 -0800 From: To: Subject: Re: LF: Re: Re: TA 136.318
Strangely, over the pole condx are good to VE7 this night. Also, noted for the first time in a couple of weeks the turn on of the Siberian Russian broadcaster at 1930UTC (noonish here) then slow fade out during the afternoon...
Strong showing from DCF39 (better than last night) with long audible periods and the EU LF broadcasters on 153KHz particularly the very northern broadcaster in Norway are making good showings.
Late arrival for VE3OT (MP) into the grabber but now making a good showing. No other NA activity noted as most where involved in RX tests with EU.
Not sure why there's a dark cloud over KL7 :-)
I do know, it may be time to fire up the TX tomorrow if things continue...
73 Scott VE7TIL
On 2/13/2011 8:13 PM, Laurence KL7UK wrote:
Over the pole to Eu is pretty dire this evening but keeping "watch" on 136.177 and 137.775 windows; my dial appears frozen and wont budge...I think I can add another window and if looking at the web page will scroll thru the captures automatically. Blowing 50 knots out there and poor viz in blowing snow... Im moving the VLF array tomorrow but the drifts are pretty deep. Putting it on the South shore of the lake and hopefully reduce the 60Hz harmonics a bit (est 6dB); but the area is still has a background Humm which I wont be able to do much about save comb filtering,\. Laurence KL7UK Wasilla/Palmer Alaska. > From: > To: > Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 00:05:34 +0000 > Subject: LF: Re: Re: TA 136.318 > > Dear Jay, LF Group, > > If you want a comparison, SM6BHZ is also transmitting a beacon signal on > about 136.178kHz presently. > > Cheers, Jim Moritz > 73 de M0BMU > >