Dear Joe, LF,
as a hint for frequencies to avoid with
narrowband digital work (Op-32 and WSPR-15), as well as a calibration aid, I
have compiled a list of Loran lines for different receiver target
The line frequencies were calculated
straightforward as multiples of 100kHz / GRI / 2. It is a rather long
list, however for example for TA-Eu work it will be sufficient to
avoid hitting entries for the first few GRI's in the list. Here
in Germany, we see only lines from the Lessay (6731), Sylt (7499)
and Russian (8000) chains. Around America, Loran has gone all silent
except for occasional overnight test transmissions from Wildwood /
Cape May.
In addition to the Loran lines, my Op-32
correlation receiver is affected by three locally generated spurious
Best 73,
Markus (DF6NM)
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 6:26
Subject: Re: LF: VO1NA - 137.7770
Graham, G0NBD, could you suggest a good QRG for
OP32 now that the TX is no longer rock bound on 137.777 kHz as it has been for
the past decade. ...