Hello Stefan,
I still do not have a proper VLF setup, sri.
But an hour ago I did a "quick and dirty" test:
just connected the 500kHz antenna to the mic in of the soundcard, using an old PC (pentium 400MHz) as I didn't wanted to risk the good soundcard. I did set the sample rate to 22.1kHz and FFT bin to 524288. The resu!t was a clear
trace on 8970Hz, so a positive id of your signal. An attemt to improve SNR by increasing the FFT bin to 2097152 resulted in a PC crash. Most likely due to insiffucient memory rather than the PC speed.
I know, after being copied in Isreal my report is not very spectacular, but you can add another country to your "being heard" list.
73, Rik ON7YD - OR7T