the SNR values over the last hour or so varied between -2 and -13dB.
Assuming a -24dB limit and your current power (50W) anything above 5W would provide solid copy and 0.5W occasional copy.
I should get QRV on JT4A, but I blew the transformer of my "straight" 100W PA, and my 250W G3YXM-clone PA needs 1MHz drive (at TTL level), so I cannot use that with my HF/500kHz transverter.
73, Rik ON7YD - OR7T
Van: [] namens Gary - G4WGT []
Verzonden: woensdag 27 januari 2010 22:03
Onderwerp: Re: LF: RE: 500 kHz JT4A
Rik, & Andy,
Thanks for your report & comments & Andy for answering Rik's query.
Well there has not been any response to my CQ call so I will change the text to beacon & continue to see if there is a report from further afield.
If you want to try for a weak decode I can reduce the power for a short period say 30 minutes, my power is 50 watt RF (200 mW ERP) at the moment so in view of your good report I could take it down to 10 watts RF.
Let me know.
73, Gary - G4WGT - IO83qo
2010/1/27 Andy Talbot <>
-24dB S/N (2.5kHz ) is usually guaranteed
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2010/1/27 Rik Strobbe <>
solid copy here, SNR -5 to -7dB.
But the signal is clearly audible, CW would be armchair copy.
Any idea down to what SNR values JT4A produces a usable decoding ?
73, Rik ON7YD - OR7T
Running JT4A this evening on 503.600 kHz, dial frequency 502.300 kHz USB.
73, Gary - G4WGT - IO83qo