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you wrote 08.06.2013, 2:39 MSK(GMT+4h):
> RX Op32 (137600...137700), Op8 (137500...137600) ...
presumably vice versa: Op-32 137500-137600, Op-8 137600-137700.
You're right - this is a temporary QRM in my head :-)
That night I RX on the Western sLoop (WsLoop) with strong local QRM
RX conditions due to heavy local QRM on different sLoops on
WsLoop - Western direction sLoop
EsLoop - Eastern direction sLoop - North-East and to South-West lobes (some photos of my new sLoop on
C1 and C2 - impedance matching capacitors of C-C network: C1 - resonanse capacitor and C2 - 50 Ohm cable capacitor -
look on (but my C1 = Rik's C2 and my C2=C1 ;-)
The following two nights of QRM should not be, but I'll mostly RX and TX on EsLoop
73! Alex R7NT 136.73.ru
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