Loosing those trees will drop the tree loss significantly. Should see a
much stronger signal in to the EU countries then.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2005 1:49
Subject: Re: LF: VO1NA
Hi Steve (and Mike WE0H),
You are quite preceptive... a
chainsaw weekend indeed. I cut a 100' line in the woods this
afternoon. And as for warming a Decca (and eventually some worms under the
QTH) I have acquired a Hammond No. 93895 1.1kVA type "Q" transformer 117 to
55 volts. I have no idea what a type "Q" is. From what I've
read it's a "control" xfmr, but this tells me little. Will it melt if
I use it to heat the Decca? It looks a bit small for 1.1 kVA.
Interestingly, it's potted and waterproof! Its maximum temperature
rise is 80 deg. C. I'm hoping it will survive
73 Joe
On Fri, 21 Oct 2005, Steve McDonald
> > > > 137.777 will be quiet for the next few
days. Hope > > > to have an improvement in ERP in the near
future. > > Do I smell a Decca warming up in the corner
???? > >