WD2XDW has been repermitted from its new location in Northern Oklahoma with
the following interesting inclusions. In an email this morning the OET
apologized for the delay -
Permit and licence from Aug 25th 2004 will expire 0300 EST 01 August 2006
135.895-137.785 kHZ XR FX 5 W (ERP)
The occupied emission shall not exceed band limits. Non interference
August 13 2003 moficication request, yes its been that long, has provision
for similarly provisioned and controlled 2 way Part 5 to Part 5
experimental tests, and cross-service to similar provisioned 137khz amateur
service although Im not going to push this at this time. My modified letter
outliing the newrequest requirements and the grant is available on the FCC
OET website
Not too sure about when Ill be on the air as Im off to Europe for a while
from tomorrow.
My Hifer beacon has been off since the past power glitch but it looks like
the LF rx system has been stable.
Pyramidical Hifer is back on 13,554920/930 1 minute period into a dipole
this morning.
When I bring the LF signals back on it will be into a loop array as we dont
have any space for a vertical array here in Bartlesville.
Regards - Laurence in shock.
kL1X/5 EM26AQ
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