KL1X/5 website can be found at:- http://myweb.cableone.net/flow/
Its a start, but expect drops and blank screens for a while, and some of the
links may be a little odd.
Ill be loading via ftp and local ISP charges an arm and tower for fixed Ip
addresses. Sort of spolied my IIS aspirations.
Web page has last nights reception here in Oklahoma of John XES and Jim
V01NA is around 3220Kms and XES is 1968Kms away from near the little house
on the prairy.
I have no news on wd2xdw which is still pending a mod from last August.
Components are mostly here to bring it back on the air with a 300 ft
diameter loop or some top loaded array.
en26aq Bartlesville Ok
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