Did you know your 850 will transmit on 501kc?
If you look at your schematic of the receiver input filters. Look for the 3
resistors Kenwood puts in their filter for the 500-1600mc band. You will notice
the other bands filters don't have those 3 resistors. Typical values of those
resistors are 33 ohm and 150 ohm. Can't miss them on the schematic. You need to
jumper or remove them and add jumpers where they were. Now look at he other
filters and see how they use diodes for switching the filters in & out. You
will very likely need an inductor in there in place of one of the resistors so
the control voltage is connected to the diodes for the 500-1600 band
From: Mike Dennison
I bought a TS-850 to listen on 136kHz, but it appears to
introduce an
attenuator as soon as the dial goes above 499.99kHz. Does
anyone know
how to stop this?