Bob and Dex intend to transmit Opera-64 tonight,
WG4XRS on 74.3213 and WG5XRS on 74.3229 kHz.
Opera software users should tune
to 72.8 kHz dial to bring the signals inside the
prescribed Op-64 passband.
Opds users can start out from Op-16 settings,
but reduce FFT bin size by a factor of four from 0.954 mHz to 0.238
Example settings for SpecLab with
Audio samplerate 12 kHz,
FFT decimation divisor 768,
FFT length 65536,
scroll interval: 20
minutes, number of exported bins: 32768,
untick use INTEGER numbers only.
Example parameters for opds.ini:
opspeed=64 spotdelay=58 '
seconds fc=74322 ' center frequency
(Hz) sr=12000.86 'enter your calibrated samplerate
(Hz) dec=50331648 '768*64k
73 and good luck,
Markus (DF6NM)