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Re: LF: Re: Sub-9kHz walkabout tests

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Re: Sub-9kHz walkabout tests
From: Roger Lapthorn <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 11 May 2010 15:55:10 +0100
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Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
There are several sources in the UK for toroidal mains transformers with various step-down ratios. See for example . These sell for £12 to £20 for ratings up to 160VA.  They are available up to at least 1kVA, but get expensive.

What is the best former material to use to wind your own tapped step-up transformer for this sort of application and where can you get it?

Roger G3XBM

On 11 May 2010 13:52, Horst Stöcker <[email protected]> wrote:
Hello J. B.
in the wellknown standard work of John Tailor G0AKN exactly this is the method. He used a 70V transformer.

And I started with an autio-transformer. too. Here the standard is 100V. After I had blown my audio-transformer I changed to a troroidal transformer for 220/15V.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: John Bruce McCreath <[email protected]>
Gesendet: 11.05.2010 14:33:08
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: LF: Re: Sub-9kHz walkabout tests

>Hello LFers,
>I'm finding the posts related to the "dreamers band" quite interesting and it's nice to read of the various methods
>that are being tried.  Has anyone used a PA amplifier with a 70 volt output (as used in stores, offices, etc) as a
>means of delivering some power into a pair of ground rods?
>73, J.B., VE3EAR
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