Well the UK is allocated 501 KHz to 504 KHz
Power is now 10 watts ERP ,
Modes allowed appear to be all modes except 'speech' , with the proviso of
'none interference' to other users , to date I do not know of any such
problems with interference. Licence applications indicated the required
The original emphasis was on 'purely experimentation' however this has
matured into mixture of conventional and experimental traffic , but
significantly the UK allocation still allows experimental operation and as
its viewed as a 'variation' , enables communication with stations in and
out side the UK
This aspect makes the allocation quite versatile and is worth requesting
Good luck
From: "Piotr Młynarski" <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2009 9:54 PM
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: 500 Khz allocation
Dear LF group,
The present discussion about uk/us 500 kHz bandplan has triggered a
question which i was going to put here, on this reflector ,
for some time. In Poland, we still lack this MF band allocation to
radioamateurs. There is a small group of hams interested in having an
access to this band..
Some time ago i was asked by one of our PZK ( Polish Radioamateur
Union) officials to prepare a sort of a preliminary note about this
I plan to write such a note ( along with Marcin, sq2bxi and others)
Athough this lf_reflector is uk based we all know that it has a
world-wide character including stations from G,W,F,DL,S,OK,ON,EI,PA,I
( i am sorry if any other country prefix has been ommited) . Therefore
, my ask is the following:
please , write here , on this reflector, the 500 khz band
allocation in particular countries i.e. band limits as well as EIRP
power,special permits. etc...
Obviously, with such an information provided the "power" of such a
note will be greatly increased.
73 de Piotr, sq7mpj
qth: Lodz /jo91rs/
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