The problem is Mal,
The Op mode is sending 'data' and the
qrss idea is only sending a carrier and as
can be seen, very extended times are needed to
send a call-sign , which in turn are modulated by qsb
into fragments , last night's test by Stefan showed that propagation
was available on 136 , in the day as well as the
night , and from the Iceland decodes , later in the night ,
two Uk stations also decoded , near to the OP8
system limit ~ -32 -33 dB , while
Stefan was some 10 to 15 dB higher
OP32 is 6 dB lower minimum decode
, but takes 4 times longer , interesting would be , to run
a test at OP32 , before band conditions
change very much ?
73 -G.
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 3:44 PM
Subject: LF: 136 DX
It has never been difficult to get a QRS 3 signal
into 4X4RF or TF3HZ or Moscow area and even CW.
It seems most are bashing away in QRS120 most of the time
when QRS 3 would do the trick.
I worked UA6LA on CW two way 136.5 Khz March 2005 for
the first time.
also it is possible to be been seen at TF3HZ during
daytime and I have also worked OH1TN many times during the daytime on
Faster speed are preferable to beat QSB. This is my
approach and if it does not work then I slow down if necessary.
On 160 metres especially winter time I can work UA9 stns
daytime from my QTH and I would say it could likewise be done on 600 metres if
anyone in UA9 was available for a QSO.
To achive good long haul results on LF es MF good
Antennas and sufficient power is essential, this also helps avoid the QSB
de G3KEV