Interesting link
From: "Joze Konda - S52AB" <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2011 6:55 AM
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: Re: Q measurements at DK7FC
Maybe in help abouth Q calculation:
73,Joze S52AB
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stefan Schäfer" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 7:48 PM
Subject: LF: Q measurements at DK7FC
For those who are interested, i have a small report of my todays Decca RF
litz coil measurements. Maybe this will give newcomers some ideas how to
Since i do not want to cut that wire into to many pieces, i first took
the fulll 170m piece to see where i come out. The calculated value is
160m for a 3.00 mH coil. The program says that i will achieve 3,08 mH
with the actual dimensions i achieved last night after winding the wire.
I did some pre-tests a few weeks ago and measured the antenna C as
precise as possible. I put one single turn arround my (old) coil and
measured the resonance frequency by turning the wheel as long as the
highest amplitude was shown on a nearby probe, connected to a portable
oscilloscope. Then i replaced the antenna wire by a variable cap and
turned it to the highest amplitude peak again, without changing the
frequency and the hardware arrangement, as good as possible. I got a C of
447 pF. Resonance was found at 137.3 kHz, so i have 3.0 mH on that coil.
Today i placed the coil on the position where it will be placed later, to
include the sourrounding losses in the measurement. These cannot be
avoided completely.
Now its time to show some photos of another excellent autumn day in
finest WX conds and a good view on the top of that building where one can
do many individual experiments without beeing inderrupted or disturbed:
(Heidelberg castle in Background)
Sorry for the bad quality, it's a 4 year old mobile phone camera with
scratched lens...
I found it was quite difficult to accurately measure such a high Q coil.
I saw that the peak amplitude significantly decreased when i come a bit
closer to the coil. Furthermore that cheap oscilloscope allows not very
accurate reading of the values. So the measurements are rather showing
the region where i will come out later. But very promising!
When connecting the antenna or the variable cap to the coil, the
resonance was found near 130.2 kHz. So the wire is to long and L to high,
better than to low! :-) If C is 447 pF, then L is about 3.35 mH, 10% to
much. Probably the 6mm thick glass adds some C between the turns due to
its relatively high relative permittivity of 7. But the body has to be
non-burning, this was the idea.
I did 3 Q measurements and achieved 3 Q values ;-) These are 566, 627 and
734. During the 734 measurement i took care to be as far away from the
coil as possible. So i rather expect values arround 700+ are realistic,
Expecting a L of 3 mH and a Q of 750 would imply losses of 3.4 Ohm which
is a loss reduction (compared to the old/current coil) of 60% ! BTW the
DC resistance of that coil is 1.0 Ohm.
The ratio of length to diameter is about 3, which is not ideal but more
secure regarding voltage per turn, which will be an issue.
I expect higher Q values for the second version of that coil since:
-The distance of the lowest turn to ground will increase
-The length/diameter ration will decrease
-The wire length will decrease
Enough data to fill some formulas of Rik/ON7YD's fine LF antenna web page
Now I'll remove some turns to come closer to 137.0 kHz...
73 to all the homebrewers
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