Thanks Graham
Not a beacon but a call, computer generated. Locally we try to have a qso weekdays at around 11:45 or at some time over the lunch hour and again later around 4:00 it is a very loose sched with M0JXM Dennis and rarely M0KHW.Ken. Rog GW3UEP listens some times whch is remarkable and reports by e-mail because I can't hear him its my RX or location (adsl noise?) that is poor but we should be reciprical.
FYI the current rig is an xtal controlled GW3UEP (ala UK500kHZ group) this week run off a laptop PSU very approx 35 watts output to a lw up 12m - 40m lng. Tnx fer rprt, meanwhile back to the RX with a big hammer.
73 petefmt
From: Graham <[email protected]> Subject: LF: MOFMT To: [email protected] Date: Monday, 12 October, 2009, 12:34 PM
M0FMT ,Good 569 from the 35 ft vertical (with atu ) ft897-d speaker at 1200 bst to day , normal speed cw , beacon or live cq call ?
G0NBD /. io83lk