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Re: LF: Experimental software for WSPR-8 and -32

To: <>
Subject: Re: LF: Experimental software for WSPR-8 and -32
From: "Graham" <>
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2012 16:20:15 +0100
Importance: Normal
In-reply-to: <>
References: <41E179E8BC3D497AB344D966959A61C6@White> <> <386BA5055A494FEC9164314A593DCB8D@White> <000901cd98a8$7cd20a00$76761e00$@com> <C3E02A3724554E53B4510102CA8557AB@White> <>
And of course  there  is a   240  SDR  data    mode  , all  ready  for  8Khz  tested  to  -50 dB  as bench mark   : )

Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: LF: Experimental software for WSPR-8 and -32

Hi all,

Hmmm, theoretically we can generate every WSPR speed now. Markus, should we try a WSPR-256 on VLF/ 8970 Hz? :-) I still have the big coil in the cellar and the band looks fine :-)
Remember the "old" times...

73, Stefan/DK7FC

Am 22.09.2012 13:27, schrieb Markus Vester:
Hi Terry,
it looks like the frequencies don't match yet. SndInput fc should be the incoming audio band from the RX, and SndOutput fc should correspond to the BFO frequency in WSPR. The fc value can be edited in the little SndInput / SndOutput windows so you won't have to restart the batch script. 
Stefan and I are currently sending WSPR-8 on 137430 / 137440 Hz in alternate 10 minute slots. Thus with your 136 kHz LO, you could set fc = 1430 in SndInput. As your WSPR is listening around 2 kHz, SndOutpt needs to have fc = 2000. If you would like to show the correct frequency for Stefan in the spots, you can set the dial entry in WSPR (but not your RX!) to 0.13543 MHz.
BTW I have uploaded a modified version today which starts the replay immediately after the incoming signal has ended. So the spots will be delayed by 8 instead of 10 minutes. There are also some amendmends in the readme.
Good luck,
Markus (DF6NM)

Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 11:56 AM
Subject: RE: LF: Experimental software for WSPR-8 and -32

Hi Marcus


I can never resist the opportunity to play with new software decoders!!


I have tried to set up the software according to the readme file but no success so far.


A folder has been setup with all the files from your zip +


I am using an SDR14,  VAC 4.12,  Win7/32, WSPR2.11


The VAC is set as default Soundcard for recording and output. The SDR14 (dial or reference frequency = 136 kHz)  is set to use VAC for output. WSPR is set for VAC as input.


I have set WSPR with BFO=670 Hz.


After running wspr-08_rx.bat


The Sound Input panel shows  fr/Hz = 670 (autoset); ft/Hz = 0 ; bu = 100% vo = 0%


The Sound Output panel shows fc/Hz = 2000;  ft/Hz = 0; bu = 0%


The DOS CMD panel shows some sort of loop action: copy audio.dat audio2.dat 1 file copied; goto loop; waitraster 600 -20; del audio.dat; waitraster -120 -5 etc etc


However WSPR is not seeing any signal input.


Where is my mistake in setting up??


73 Terry


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