Hi Dave and all,
reading the news about your fb chirped-Hell contact with Geri made me happy,
I had always hoped that someone might pick up the stuff and use it. Wish I
could have joined in, but my TX-ant won't stand the current winds.
I hope Markus will soon have a release version of the software?
Of course it's free for all amateur use (at least for those pioneers willing
to work their way through the awkward QBasic procedure ;-) ), and if you
like, feel free to place it on your excellent website. Even though I'd prefer
to produce a shiny self-contained and user-friendly program, I've given up
the thought long ago due to my lack of expertise re Windows programming, and
of time. But there is hope: Wolf DL4YHF is investigating the inclusion of the
quadratic-phase chirps into the PMT-Hell mode of SpecLab, certainly an ideal
environment for all kinds of experiments.
73 and kind regards
Markus, DF6NM