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LF: Re: Best results so far from Germany to Tasmania

To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: Re: Best results so far from Germany to Tasmania
From: "Alan Melia" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2013 16:24:18 +0100
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=s1024; t=1365521065; bh=DmC4iL6u9Eacwz424Sz9JviADL6iRluTSk0ObVUvMo8=; h=X-Yahoo-Newman-Id:X-Yahoo-Newman-Property:X-YMail-OSG:X-Yahoo-SMTP:X-Rocket-Received:Message-ID:From:To:References:Subject:Date:MIME-Version:Content-Type:X-Priority:X-MSMail-Priority:X-Mailer:X-MimeOLE:X-Antivirus:X-Antivirus-Status; b=u2bFGTKDOkX5buTIOBdn4IM5+H86n9IwDbEmDp7o+4G9XpRClHrM2GBUHhXDprlh9mOnl5Qh5H/u1c060uHPEst4hBUXmMxd9PqRYp3FDdRDJEW7BMXdfwCODBl2Jq3eb6je1mKoyH/JH6V4/Xx+uMMyhyXOSPhVHDgNuH8p8qQ=
References: <B90AAE64546A49598BB1FA093869110E@Extensa> <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Hi Stefan well done in mastering that path. I think I can see the problem. Urban myth says the equinox is the "best" time. However if you look at the Dst for that period
There was geomag strom on the 17th March, which depressed the Dst to -135nT and on the 21st a further small even depressed the recovering Dst index to about -65nT again. The path is 8 hops, so 7 times through the absorbing precipitated electrons.
Currently the Dst has been above -20nT since the 2nd and fairly stable, so there are very few precipitated electrons (if any) to provide excess absorption in the darkness zone.
Obviously the shorter the length of darkness then there is a reduced probability of success, but if would seem that there could be a sweet spot 2 to 3 weeks either side of the equinox for this path. It will also require a period with a favourable Dst (>-20nT on Colorado Uni.estimate)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 1:09 PM
Subject: LF: Best results so far from Germany to Tasmania


Last evening there was excellent LF propagation from EU to VK. Edgar J. Twining (SWL) was watching the LF DX window for several weeks now. The season on that path in spring (EU) 2013 was very poor and we already thought that the season is over. However yesterday the path was open for a exceptional long time and the S/N was very good! Transmissions were done in DFCW-180. I've been on air for several days now and such a result is most probably possible for 1 time in the year or maybe 2 years.

These are the results:
My signal:
DCF39 plot:

The path is 16806 km,

It shows once again that it is always worth to transmit and to receive/watch for exceptional conds(x) on the bands!

Many thanks to Edgar for his continuous patience and interest to receive on 137 kHz from the other side of the world!

73, Stefan/DK7FC
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