That just about sums it up. A short fat monopole will give the sort of
performance of a ....well... a short fat monopole ! Better than a short
thin one, but still not very good.
I am always unconvinced when someone comes along and claims to have
reinvented or bettered something that has worked for years - simply by
juggling a few equations. Could be skeptical and say it is because they
don't actually understand the real underlying theory, just the sqiggly maths
(*) behind it, but that would be very rude so I won't :-(
Andy 'JNT
ps. Squiggly Maths was a term coined by someone at work here to describe
the contents of the average communications theory text book, or any other
subject for that matter. Full of curved lines, curly brackets, Greek
letters and little realism.
Apart from that I have serious doubts that a EH antenna works the way the
inventors claim (combining separately generated E and H fields to a
'radiating' EH field). Maybe it no more than a very funny looking short and
fat monopole.
73, Rik ON7YD
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