Interesting that there appears to be no sign of the callsign ident.....
This was sent every 15.1 minutes approx (the .1 was the callsign itself) 24
WPM as on-off keying, completely independent of the PSK data - so is almost
guaranteed to be in there somewhere. Timing of the ID CW signal was derived
from a ceramic resonator so is only within a percent of the right speed.
The sidebands of the high bandwidth keying will occur at multiples of the
keying rate, ie 10 Hz sidebands here with a few at 3.3 Hz due to the dashes.
Whatever, Jim's reception was in too narrow a bandwidth to be influenced by
this so he saw only the spreading caused by the phase transitions. There
ought to be a slight reduction in strength during the keying ID sequence,
but the central trace is too saturated to make this out.
Andy G4JNT
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