I saw nothing, but may have gone for too narrow a bandwidth on the
monitoring system - Argo in this case - and missed the signal.
What was the frequency ?
QRSS would be an interesting way for those of us who don't and won't use CW
to cross the Atlantic on topband. No comments from Scarborough please !
Andy G4JNT
-----Original Message-----
From: Johan Bodin [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 2001-11-26 09:18
To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: 80m QRSS QRPppp QRT
The beacon went off the air "for maintenance" this morning at
0810 UTC.
Thanks to DJ8WX, G3JKV and DL4YHF for the encouraging reports!
G3JKV in IO91UF holds the record, 1120km/mW or 700000 miles/watt, hi
Johan SM6LKM
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