Hi Stefan
I sent two email last night with dropbox
links to the recordings. However, got a message to say the BS domain could not
be reached and there was a delay in delivering the messages. Others have
commented nothing received from BS today. Looks like it was a temporary blip in
service. I didn’t take any recordings of your WSPR8 transmissions after
your QRSS120 session though.
If you haven’t seen my messages yet then
I’ll resend. For some reason, I never see any messages I post through BS unless
someone responds.
73 Terry GW0EZY
Hi Terry,
Did you get any useful recordings?
I got some from Chris YO/4X1RF. They are just running in a reprocessing loop.
They are actually reproducable, i.e. i am getting decodes from the recording.
So timing is at least not so critical..
Will check for the difference of the noiseblanker.
73, Stefan/DK7FC
Am 24.09.2012 17:14, schrieb Terry GW0EZY:
Just reading your email and the later
correction for 10 minutes. Will need some setting up.
OK I will give it a try.
It is now 15:14 UTC
73 Terry