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Re: LF: ALL de IZ7SLZ (Italy): Beacon Op32 every 00:00 in JN80NU 50w + I

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: ALL de IZ7SLZ (Italy): Beacon Op32 every 00:00 in JN80NU 50w + Inverted-L
From: "iz7slz.domenico" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 14:48:02 +0200
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=date:subject:message-id:importance:from:to:mime-version :content-type; bh=ShnDYZws6JUUNfZg2dXChAFdMokkz0i7DZKx8Dxph8M=; b=tXc05O3S0F8EG8O2RmmpSgCLFKtdJ/AzgaZ564sSVLTs2r0Je1VpOIhKFzVdqLnT3a cvK67ZF4mKAsMxl8tpjT8eh40SBGGTX6B8MPRN+irV6lw9efRQywqSGFrf8Nh9xX9rse QYNQu7MGMSeX1O/86zNCPZkJMMKseUNUL2/h0R+RLDjgyjko8DVKBh4Yp6JBxE9VvqDh zP3+SCpq2MXyDtELcIhLPwlJiUqesfmFx55yFKqqyozCyBjLyPjJbyQjjpCPc6Dz5drs zBO/KJBlKCZXdcnzfXagX64oLDX0aMBjvMv6i9jGMDRcI0NKUcK6iTDKsHoA80MFV1DA qR2g==
Importance: normal
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Hello friends,

Thanks for your reports.

I have downloaded in Dropbox two pics of my small and ugly cage antenna and its capacitive hat.
Diameter of the cage is 2 m and lenght of horizotal wires is 8 m.  Impedance measured with rigexpert  is abt 45 -j2900 Ohm. This reactance value is also calculated by mmGal inverted-L simulation putting 2 meter as diameter for the vertical wire.
This is the same antenna that i'm using in MF with 0,450 mH variometer. In LF a second coil of 2.5 mH is added.

For Graham: sorry for confusing regarding sw version, i meant that i'm using  the latest. 

I will reactivate the transmitter as soon i come back from one week  holiday.

73 to all.
Domenico, iz7slz

Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
From: Graham
Date:12/08/2014 13:14 (GMT+01:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: ALL de IZ7SLZ (Italy): Beacon Op32 every 00:00 in JN80NU 50w + Inverted-L

"cage" of 6 wires all connected in parallel.
Q what  are the  cage  dimensions  Domenico ??

Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 11:39 PM
Subject: Re: LF: ALL de IZ7SLZ (Italy): Beacon Op32 every 00:00 in JN80NU 50w + Inverted-L

Yes Graham,
thanks for observing my spots.

from the end of July i'm QRV on 2200m with a small transmitter.
Antenna is  inverted-L. Vertical radiator is 8 meter long surrounded  by a "cage" of 6 wires all connected in parallel.
This fat antenna, requires a coil of about 2.5 mH.
So far i got some wspr-15 spots from SV,D,LA e since yesterday i'm trying OPERA with the hope  to be received at least from SV.

73 to all  group
Domenico, iz7slz

On Monday, 11 August 2014, Graham <[email protected]> wrote:

ALL de IZ7SLZ (Italy): Beacon Op32 every 00:00 in JN80NU 50w + Inverted-L

New  TX station ?


SV8RV-1 SV8RV-1 2200m OPERA 0 km 20:38:52
SP5XSB SP5XSB 2200m OPERA 0 km 20:41:53
RN3AGC RN3AGC 2200m OPERA 0 km 20:44:22
JP1ODJ JP1ODJ 2200m OPERA 0 km 20:55:59
JA8SCD JA8SCD 2200m OPERA 0 km 20:49:30
IZ7SLZ IZ7SLZ 2200m OPERA 0 km 20:51:18
7L1RLL 7L1RLL 2200m OPERA 0 km 20:53:53

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