I'd left the receiver running to catch IK5ZPV but hadn't optimised the
gain setting and it got clobbered by Laurie's signal 20 Hz away.
There was something on the right freqeuncy, but a +70dB signal level in
the filter passband .........
Incidently Laurie, I can see 50Hz sidebands on you transmission - a long
way down but there nevetheless.
Mine are even worse though ! With a direct from mains supply, 20V
ripple on a 330V supply is approx -30dB per sideband and yours are a
lot better than that.
Andy G4JNT
-----Original Message-----
From: Ko Versteeg [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 2001-02-16 00:00
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: IK5ZPV ?
At 2/16/01 10:45:00, you wrote:
>Hi LF-ers...
> Yesterday I received an very slow CW spectrogram on the
>135.920 +-. Starting 1930Z the text was "-ALKDV-AQ" ( - is
to long for dot,
>to short for dash, something between). It has been transmited for 90
>minutes. It was IK5ZPV's transmition or any other signal ?
>Rich OM2TW
He promised to be on yesterday to transmit "ZPV"
73's Ko Versteeg [NL9222/SWL - JO22KF : Lat. 52° 12 15.0N,
Lon. 04° 51 40.5E]
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