I was transmitting 0.2 then 0.1Hz shift DFCW centred around 135921.5 for
the last two nights until approx 0100z. If your much weaker signal was
as much as 15dB weaker........
(I'd be very very surprised if you were getting anything at that level,
but can hope)
In fact the oscillator in the Tx is low in frequency by 0.15ppm, so the
actual freqs of last nights transmission were 135921.43 Hz (dashes)
and 135921.53Hz (dots). Must bring the frequency setting twiddle pot
out to the front panel or include a calibration facility in the DDS
driving software to minutely adjust the stored clock frequency.
Andy G4JNT
-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Jesse [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 2001-02-08 11:19
To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: [Lowfer] G3AQC Copied in Plymouth, MA
For the last few nights, I've been running ARGO and seeing traces on
135.92???. I ran Snagit over night and was greeted with
G3AQC's signal in
my captures at about 0600z. AQC came up nicely at about
0300z and faded at
about 0740z. Have another sig just about 1hz higher and
another about 2hz
lower but I
haven't tried to identify them yet. They are much weaker
than AQC and only
bits and pieces.
Who might they be? I have screen shots if anyone is interested.
Running a Yaesu FT-100 and active 1 meter whip antenna at 40 feet.
Thanks and 73,
Plymouth, MA
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