Someone else transmitting a couple of Hz off frequency ?
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Boucher [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 2001-01-31 14:50
To: RSGB LF Group
Subject: LF: Jim's beacon
Many congrats on your report from USA.
While you were beaconing last evening I noticed a strange
phenomenon on
your signal which I can best describe as being similar to the aircraft
flutter heard on VHF. During your long bursts of carrier there was a
very deep cycle of QSB, fading at least 20 dB at about 2 cycles per
second (allright then Hertz).
I have heard this on your signal when you have been testing
but have never heard such deep or rapid fading on any other 136 KHz
signal. Has anyone else noticed this? Anyone have an explanation?
73, Tom G3OLB
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