Alberto -
How easy would it be to include a facility for storing the exact
measured sampling rate in a .INI file that can be called up when the
software is run. G3PLX included such a facility in PSK31 to allow for
the gross errors seen on some machines - several Hz on a 1kHz tone in a
few cases. There are enough highly accurate transmissions around for
calibration, so if the cal factor can be saved (and doesn't drift too
much !) one area of uncertainty is removed.
Andy G4JNT
-----Original Message-----
From: Alberto di Bene [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 2001-01-22 13:56
To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Re:VA3LK Log / More Tests
James Moritz wrote:
> [snip]
> Since 3s/dot slow CW has not been good enough for this so far, I
> suggest we do something like this: As many European stations as
> possible transmit very long dashes (90seconds for example), within
> a very narrow frequency range (perhaps 20Hz maximum - 10Hz
> would be better),
> [snip]
Just a remark. If you want to dig deep into the noise, you must use
resolutions of 5 or 10 milli Hertz. At these resolutions the
span covered
by a spectrogram is at maximum a couple of Hertz, so the 10 or 20 Hz
spread would mean that the biggest part of the stations will
be outside
the screen.
73 Alberto I2PHD
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