Vielen Dank lieber Uwe!
73, Dick, PA0SE
At 23:57 23-7-04, you wrote:
Dick Rollema schrieb:
> To All from PA0SE
> I intend to do some beaconing tonight.
> Start at about 2100 UTC on July 23.
> Stop at about 0600 UTC on July 24.
> Mode will be DFCW30 on 135922 Hz (dash frequency; dots about
0.5 Hz lower)
> DFCW is a new mode for me.
> Power about 178 W (2.3 A aerial current into 33.8 ohms
resistance of the
> aerial/coil/earth system).
> Reports will be welcome.
> 73, Dick, PA0SE
> JO22GD
Hi Dick,
in jo434sv at 2200utc S/N = -58/-71dB with the vertical
and -72/-90dB with the loop (abt 45dgr off direction) .
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