There are more traces now at RC4HAA (http://136.su/grabber/) but still a
bit weak to be convincing. Also the GPS reception is sometimes missed.
Further improvement steps are needed...
73, Stefan
Am 27.04.2017 13:13, schrieb DK7FC:
A few days ago, Andrey / RD4HA from the RC4HAA club station has
installed a GPS module for getting a better accuracy of a 47 uHz
spectrogram. You can clearly see the improvement of the stability of
the Alpha trace at 11904.7619 Hz (the daily phase jump in the Alpha
trace is normal), see attachment.
Last night i gave it a first try and sent a pure carrier from about
19...9 UTC on 8270.0050 Hz. The antenna current was a bit reduced,
just about 650 mA but that's still a lot.
Now there is a short 'dit' on the right frequency. Just a few pixels
in the spectrogram scrolling at 100 min / pixel. It is on the right
frequency! Still not quite convincing, right? ;-)
But tonite i will run another transmission, starting 17...5 UTC. With
a second trace on the same frequency, to the right time, it will look
a bit more convincing :-)
73, Stefan