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Re: VLF: Carrier on 6470.005 Hz - and 6469.9975 Hz

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: VLF: Carrier on 6470.005 Hz - and 6469.9975 Hz
From: DK7FC <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 17:17:04 +0200
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
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... transmission was stopped again at 15:08 UTC :-(
I need more testing before running further EbNaut transmissions...

73, Stefan

Am 15.04.2017 15:28, schrieb DK7FC:
Hello Paul, Jim, VLF,

Very nice, thanks for the spectrum peak plot! It looks like the daytime offers a better SNR on that 46 km band on our distance, at least when QRN is low, and it was quite low during the last days.

Actually my idea was to run the carrier for 48 hours or so, maybe Alex/RN3AUS can pick up something in 47 uHz?
But the safety function tripped again and i have not been in Heidelberg during that time. Now i'm back, it all looks uncritical. Not sure if that is a software problem or an actual short cut of some windings which is then stopped by software after 1 second.

I continued with some optimisations of the 8 x 33 T106-52 cores put inside the coil. The big rod is now cut into two big rods, about in the center. It has an adjustable air gap now, to fine tune the resonance frequency. At first this was done by two layers of Kapton foil, see attachment.
Without an additional air gap the resonance it arround 6440 Hz. With the foil there was no significant difference (< 5 Hz) and with a 3 mm plastic spacer the frequency rose to 6590 Hz. So maybe a 1mm spacer is a good idea. Still to be done... Anyway i can tune to the 460 mA at 6470 Hz. Now the carrier is running again since 12:50 UTC.

With 25.8 dB in 69.4 uHz we can easily try 30 characters in less than 3 hours!
Ah, a spontaneous test! Let's try that! I can continue with the carrier later...

Hm but the noise looks stronger today, so i go to 4 seconds:

f = 6470.100000 Hz
Start time: 15.Apr.2017   13:20:00 UTC
Symbol period: 4 s
Characters: 30
CRC bits: 10
Coding 16K25A
Duration: 3h, 48m, 16s
Antenna current: 460 mA

3 seconds may be to risky but later we will see if it would have been possible :-)
Nice games! And the technical background, it is all very satisfying. And the recent 85 characters, it would eben be remarkable on LF!

Later there will follow a shorter message for Eddie...

73, Stefan

Am 15.04.2017 09:42, schrieb Paul Nicholson:

Markus wrote:

> My carrier was on air from 13:30 until 20:35 UT.

Averaged 0.06 fT,  S/N 13.0 dB in 39.7 uHz,  phase -88.6 degrees.

Not bad for 1028 km at 6470 Hz, and I suppose about 5 or 10uW ERP?

Here is 4 hours of Stefan's signal yesterday

Paul Nicholson

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